Retrofit - RO-BER Industrieroboter GmbH

Retrofit of RO-BER Industrieroboter GmbH
Home Service Retrofit


Performance requirements, wide ranges of products and also spatial conditions within a production facility are subject to continuous change in virtually every industrial company. It is therefore all the more important to ensure that investment in plant technology does not lead you up a blind alley.

Even years after initial commissioning, our robot systems can still be adapted to suit new and changed conditions. For example, the robot frames can be enlarged at a later date, or additional robot carriages can be integrated to boost performance. Not only that but manipulators and control systems can be adapted to reflect new requirements.

Our Engineering team can examine the scope for modernisation of your robots with you, and together with our Sales team, is always pleased to propose a cost-effective retrofit concept.

+49 2307 94103 0 We are here for you!
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