Manipulators - RO-BER Industrieroboter GmbH

Manipulators for your product range

Home Products Manipulators

Gripper from RO-BER

Future-oriented and innovative.
Flexible manipulator systems for your robot system.

The robot gripper constitutes the centrepiece of the system. RO-BER uses reliable and practically proven standard concepts and develops creative, individual solutions for customer-specific handling tasks. The focus here is on maximum performance combined with careful and safe handling of products, whether in individual, multiple or layer grip mode.

Standard systems tailor-made

No matter whether your task profile involves palletizing or depalletizing, buffering, interlinking, stock picking or the distribution of goods, there is just the right manipulator solution for every application.

Standard systems tailor-made
Standard systems tailor-made Standard systems tailor-made Standard systems tailor-made

Our all-rounder for your product mix!

Strong and extremely versatile:
our new layer gripper.

Now also available for the cold storage!